Every american I met in France speaks using weird words we never use. this site helps you to learn the "fucking" french.

Friday, October 27, 2006

#2 : It sucks in French ?

It sucks.
Every English or American person says it at least one time a day.

Everything can suck ( yes, even girls ) : that bar sucks ( for l'IDEM in Montpellier ), her clothes suck ( for a British girl hihi ), their cars suck ( for Hungarian people), and obviously, my French sucks.

And now, how to translate it in French ?

You just remember that in French : Every translation of "it sucks" ... sucks.

Let's try :
  • ca craint : direct translation, used sometimes, ( I never use it )
  • ca pue : literally, "it stinks",
  • c'est nul : the one I use,
  • c'est pourri
  • c'est à chier, very French slang touch
  • c'est de la merde, c'est merdique
  • ...
Other ones ?

#1 : Je ne sais pas...

In french, if you want to say "I don't know", it's "je ne sais pas"

But "je ne sais pas" sucks.
  • EVERY TIME, you have to delete the ne, so it becomes : je sais pas
  • Most of the time, you don't have to pronounce the e in je so : jsais pas
  • As js is too hard to pronounce, the French say ch : chais pas

And je ne sais pas becomes chai pas.

Sometimes, you will even hear something like : chpa.

End of first lesson. Do you understand ?