Every american I met in France speaks using weird words we never use. this site helps you to learn the "fucking" french.

Friday, September 14, 2007

#3 : Gueule

The feminine french word "gueule" originally meant the mouth part of animals like wolves and dogs... But now gueule is used in several French slang expressions:

Ta gueule!: Ferme ta gueule = shut your mouth. This has been reduced to ta gueule = shut up.

Gueule de bois: When you drank a lot the previous night, you obviously wake up the next day with la gueule de bois (literally: wooden mouth, US: hangover).

Grande gueule: You can say that somebody is a "grande gueule" when this person speaks loud, always showing off, telling jokes... This is equivalent to the US expression "big mouth".

The verb gueuler = crier/to yell. ARRETE DE GUEULER PUTAIN! = SHUT THE FUCK UP!

No explanation needed for:
- Dans ta gueule/in your face.
- Gueule de con/dumb ass.
- Casser la gueue a quelqu'un/break somebody's face.


Blogger bisone said...

hi benoit,
how could i say cool/off the hook/awesome in french slang - apart from "génial ,-e" ...?

8:45 AM


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